Network configurationThe tutorial project is supplied with ipconfigUSE_DHCP set to 0 in FreeRTOSIPconfig.h. As DHCP is not used a static IP address must be configured.
Tutorial steps continued:
The Nabto Base DirectoryIt has already been seen that user interfaces to FreeRTOS+Nabto devices are created using standard web technologies, such as HTML files, image files, and Javascript. When you connect to a FreeRTOS+Nabto device the user interface files for that device are automatically downloaded from a cloud server and stored in the Nabto base directory.
Locating the Nabto base directory
Tutorial steps continued:
Contents of the Nabto base directoryThe Nabto base directory contains a sub directory called html_dd, in which further sub directories are created to store user interface files. Figure 2 shows the sub directory created by connecting to the live demo:
![]() Figure 2: The html_dd directory viewed in the Windows explorer
Tutorial steps continued:
![]() Figure 3: The html_dd directory with the new my.local.demo.net directory
Running the Tutorial Project
Tutorial steps continued:
Trouble shootingThe windows simulator creates a virtual network interface by reading and writing raw Ethernet data through a real network interface. Any connection problems encountered are likely to be related to the operation of the virtual interface, not the operation of the FreeRTOS+Nabto code.This section contains things to try if you are not able to connect to the tutorial when it is running.
PingTry pinging the configured IP address. If ping replies are received then it is likely the problem is not related to the network configuration.
Wired Vs Wireless network interfacesTry using a wired network rather than a wireless network. If that is not possible try connecting to (or pinging) the project from a different computer on the same network.
FirewallWe often see in corporate environments that the IT department enforces a policy on windows machines that prevents a unicast response to a broadcast request. The following URL provides information on how to check if unicast responses are allowed on your machine: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc742429.aspxTry temporarily disabling any firewall or other network filtering software (don't forget to turn it back on again immediately after your test!).
Hubs and SwitchesIntelligent hubs and switches can shield network nodes from traffic. Try connecting through a dumb hub.If Firefox and the tutorial project are running on the same computer then an external network connection is not actually required at all, although Windows does need to recognise the network interface as being 'up' so the network cable does need to be plugged into something that can negotiate a link (this could just be a hub that has nothing else plugged into it).
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